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Registered charities are eligible for a property tax rebate equal to 40% of the taxes payable for space that is occupied in a commercial or industrial class of property.
Applications are accepted annually between January 1 to last day of February.
Charitable organizations can apply for a reduction to property taxes. In order to qualify the following criteria must be met:
Proof of the amount of property taxes paid for rented or leased office space in a commercial or industrial property class (ex. letter from owner);
I (we) hereby acknowledge that all statements made in this application are true. The financial information provided by me (us) is correct and the Municipality may verify any and all information pertaining to the application. I (we) also acknowledge that I (we) must inform the Municipality of any changes in the above which affects the organization's eligibility for this rebate. Information provided by applicants is subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Copies of applications will be provided to the Regional Municipality of Durham and the relevant school board for their accounting purposes.
Eligibility for a rebate of property taxes payable for registered charities in the commercial or industrial classes shall be determined in accordance with Section 361.1 of the Municipal Act, Region of Durham By-law 67-98 and Ontario Regulation #47/99.
This form may contain personal information as defined under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information is collected under the legal authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001 c.25, as amended. This information will be used and maintained by the City of Oshawa for Charity Rebate Application. Questions regarding this collection may be directed to the City’s Information Access and Privacy Officer at 905-436-3311.
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